Ready to get your business going?
Hourly appointments now available for direct purchase, for help with anything technical you need help with, from setting up your social media, website, and more!
I'm an experienced computer programmer and small business owner, ready to walk you through setting up your own business from A to Z.
Need a website? No problem.
Want help understanding ads on Facebook to get more customers? Sure thing!
Wondering how to sell more on Etsy? Let's optimize!
If you're curious if I can help you with your problem, let's chat on Facebook. Just hit the Messenger button at the bottom right while you're signed into Facebook and send us a message. We'll get back to you as soon as possible, no purchase necessary!
My clients are generally people who know us on Facebook already, who like my personality and how I explain things. I try to be as genuine and honest as possible so you can get the help you need without spending an arm and a leg. I fully understand that almost everyone needs a little help to get started, and plenty of people are scared of all the computer stuff involved. I will do my best to make things as easy to understand as possible, to get you and your business off on the right foot!
- All appointments are video calls, via Zoom, so a computer or tablet is required along with a microphone and/or webcam preferably. Strong internet is recommended.
- Screen-sharing is built-in, but hands-on remote help is handled through either Zoom's remote control features, or Chrome Remote Desktop in some cases, another separate Google product.
- Appointments are 1-hour long unless otherwise agreed to, and your purchase of $25 only includes that scheduled hour.
All appointments are non-refundable, but you can reschedule through Facebook or email, up to 24-hours prior to our meeting time.
The Crafting Oasis
If you only need a little tech help each month, you may consider a monthly subscription with The Crafting Oasis instead. For only $9.99/mo you get access to our private Facebook group where we have extra business training and fun crafting projects, along with a free Tech Talk appointment each month.